cube club

  • Type: Recreational & Hospitality Complex includes café , restaurant , playground and playrooms
  • Location: Boostan Salamati 2 , Tochal Complex , Velenjak St , Tehran
  • Client: Sourena Naghikhani
  • Status: Complited
  • Project Year: 2016-2017
  • Area: 1200 m2
  • Architect: Mehrad Habibi , Shabnam Khezeli (collaboration with On Office)

  • Structural design: Behrouz Mirmiran
  • Construction: Plateaux Group
  • Photography: Hamidreza khansari , Arash Khansari , Camelia Behbahani
  • Furniture: Rost Furniture
  • Wooden and Metal Decotation: Harsh Design
  • Truss structure: Ofogh-e-Noor Company
  • Award: 3rd Prize of 2017 Memar Award in Public Projects

Tochal complex is one of the specific recreational places in Tehran that had remarkable development process in recent years, hence the implementation of projects with different uses is more considered, in this regard to build a recreational complex, the site of Salamati BoostanNo.2 on the Salamati road was proposed to us.

lying on the mountain range and the nobility to the city was considered to be the characteristics of the site. On the other hand, preservation of the city's view and existing vegetation were among the factors influence the locating.

according to challenges and items mentioned, Initial design formed with emplacing shipping containers beside each other with minimum interference in their basic structure and thus, containers as a modular unit with special standards becomes the main element of project in its architectural and structural design.

Locating the main form on the site according to shape of the ground, view of the city, preservation of existing building, required applications and accesses was determined in three major zones, that the eastern zone includes coffee shop and restaurant, the southern zone includes manager office, service areas and crate climbing and the western zone is considered for “escape room” game.

In each part above, forming and planning of project has been done according to achieve the best view, climate, sunlight direction in different seasons and pedestrian path. With the rotation of the upper containers in eastern side, the city view becomes the main spectacle and make pedestrians invited and attracted to the project and city’s view by creating an opening on the ground floor, on the other hand the independence of different sections of the project and its relation with the tochal complex is preserved, therefore spatial diversity achieved by creating open, semi open and enclosed spaces.

in order to achieve integration of inside and outside of the building , Maintain industrial identity of containers was considered as a principle in interior design and also due to the metallic nature of the crusts , some of containers with specific usage were painted with vivid colors to confront ruling cold and industrial atmosphere and enhance the warmth of space.

And also the landscape was designed according to the main lines of complex design in such a way like locating different sections of project and so a proper Substrate was provided with the least embankment and excavation and minimum damage to the site.

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